Pourquoi la Mort est-il Injuste?

Bernard Jeffrey McCullough 10.05.57 - 08.09.08
I was a fan of the Mac! That a person of his humor, talent and insight can be taken away at such a young age saddens me to the core and my heart goes out to his wife Rhonda, daughter Je'Niece and granddaughter Jasmine.Bernie was the kind of man who stood fast by his beliefs and way of life never once looking down on anyone else for theirs. His shows made me laugh out loud at times, and other times made me sad (just watch episode 21, "Sweet Home Chicago"), but most of all it always made me think and that is something you don't often get with comedy and that only Bernie could have done it so well.
The world has lost one of it's better human beings and for that is a little bit sadder place to live.
Why is Death Unfair?
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