Ok, I am not one to wave my own flag of good co-workmanship...but
jesus christ, I at least pick up after myself, don't bother other people while they are working and wash my fucking hands after I take a piss. I hold the elevator for more than just attractive women, I hold the door open for people behind me, when I take the last cup of coffee I put another pot on. I sit near the window of our 11
th floor office so after the sun stops blaring in, I open the blinds on my side to let sunlight in. When someone is wearing headphones, I don't make them take them out to say something trivial like "I just wanted to say hi..." Fuck the Fuck off you fucking douche...I am working...I didn't put music on as an invitation for you to come bore the fuck out of me with your "I can't think of anything useful to say" bullshit. Wash your fucking hands...clean up after yourself...think before you fucking act, and for god sake...try now and then to recognize that there is more than just fucking you in this goddamn building you thick fuck. Go Die!
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