Es una lástima usted no puede ver la verdad acerca de estas personas

The truly sad part though is the undeniable knowledge that things out of your own control have contributed the most to your pain. People that don't care, about you or about anything but themselves but have some way convinced those around them that they are on the level.
Consider you want the kind of friends that talk behind your back, saying one thing to you and one thing to someone else, all the while contradicting themselves in order to achieve temporary indulgences that are neither helping you nor them? The lies will be exposed one day, why count yourself among the liars?
Take a look at people that work their way into a group out of one can really figure why they have no friends from their past. Did they just move? No. Most likely, no one in their past will have anything to do with them. One can only sit back and hope that by the time their true colors show that the damage to existing relationships is not so badly done that there is no going back.
We've got to start thinking of our relationships and not about how to destroy everyone else's. But, I know this falls on deaf ears. Everyone has lost sight of how hard it is to hold things together and how easy it is to just let it all fall apart. No one wants to work toward any satisfactory life, but the party has to end. Find the happiness in yourself and stop trying to take it away from others. Stop trying to hurt other people to try to cover up your own short-comings and unhappiness.
When you think about how much you really want to be have to step back an realize that happiness is not avoiding real life. Happiness is embracing it and learning to conform it to what you want and need. You can't cover up your hurt forever...eventually that wound will get infected. It's your call...clean the wound...take care of it...don't just keep it out of sight and endure the pain. FIX IT!
Or, just forget about all of this...after one EVER gets what's coming to they...?
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