Matthew, from who knows where decided to show his bigoted contempt for "Americans who call themselves Irish" and for writers who have opinions. Oh, and did I mention...anonymously?
Matthew said...
Why are you so unnecessarily angry about things? Your family... how far back do you trace before you find they were from Ireland? Have you ever been to Ireland? Do you know that Irish people laugh when they hear Americans call themselves Irish?
Do your and your family's opinions matter? Yeah, they do matter. You have an opinion like everyone else. But this guy makes a valid point and you rip him because he doesn't support your opinion?
Your last paragraph is laughable. You make some claim like you've had some shit in your life because you're Irish-American. Give it up.
Matthew Kim Amyx III said... In my "laughable" last paragraph, I told people to watch the documentaries and read the books for themselves. I began the last sentence by saying that my comment was "my opinion" for which now two people have "ripped" on me for having. The really "laughable" part is that "Mr. Secret Identity" or "Matthew" does to me EXACTLY what he claims I am doing to the first guy. Seriously! Note that not one of these boys commented on the book or documentary that the post was about. Why am I angry? Take a guess... although you most probably will have trouble with the forming of a relevant, topical thought that doesn't involve "slamming" the Irish in America.
Have a great week, jerk off!
Mr. Secret Identity,
I did not "rip" on him for "not supporting my opinion" I ripped on his delivery, but I can see we have yet another "holier-than-thou" type that wants to try to crap on Irish-Americans. "Do you know that Irish people laugh when they hear Americans call themselves Irish?" I'm quoting you directly there, do you speak for all the Irish? Not that it's any of your business, but my family is from Ireland regardless of your "opinion" about how "laughable" you find us calling ourselves Irish, so maybe don't be so fast to jump on the "proper" Irish band-wagon and "rip" on Americans of Irish decent, or maybe just show some balls and don't comment anonymously taking someone's side when you too have missed the point entirely.