VOUS, sont le poids autour de mon cou...

It's sometimes funny to me, that the people in our lives that claim the most to have our best interests in mind are the very ones who remind us at every turn of our past mistakes, thus making it nearly impossible for we, the individuals in question, to pick up the pieces, improve ourselves and move forward. This has never been more prevalent in my life than now, when I feel I've made the most strides towards positive changes.
Am I a person whose made more mistakes than most? Do I stand out in the "I've really fucked up, put my foot in my mouth, lost my temper" categories? No, not really, and the fact is that most people that like to point your mistakes out are themselves most likely worse at the offense more often than you could ever hope to be and that is precisely why they feel the need to point it out when it is you who've done something. When they point it out in you, they both take the focus off themselves and avoid dealing with their own issue. There are somethings that are in fact, just as sad and pathetic as they sound, and these people should likely be looked at and weighed as to whether they are any help to you at all.
But what of the cases where people just feel the need to "remind" you of what you've done in the past? The relatives that like to point out that you were hard to handle when you were younger and tell you and everyone else about it every holiday or gathering. The friends, co-workers, people in your everyday life who've been there any length of time who feel the need to, when you feel you're the strongest, view you as such and try to knock you down?
This can be viewed two-fold. On the one hand, they see your progress and either don't feel they themselves are capable of the same progression and in fear of being surpassed or left behind, they subconsciously sabotage your growth. The other reason, they are just that selfish, they can't think of anyone to compare less than ideal situations to but you, so you become the scapegoat, the butt of the joke, the only thing they can think of to "compare" anything to, and rather than think about the effect it has on you that they insist on always bringing these negative, past transgressions up on a constant basis, they smother you, and when we're smothered too long...we die.
This is of course my opinion, my words and my observations, I welcome feedback or different points of view but doubt seriously that anyone guilty of what I've talked about will see it within themselves and try to adapt. Rather, they will most likely think "well, that's not me" or "fuck you, you're talking about me, but I'm not like that". Predictability is never in short supply, nor is persecution.
YOU, are the weight around my neck...
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