"You're a sunny little shit, I'll give you that much." - Jack Mosley

We all know that rarely can you go wrong with a Willis movie, and I have to admit to being a Mos Def fan both musically and acting-wise, so I didn't hesitate to give this flick a day in court.
First off, I did go into it thinking, "I know the premise of the movie, therefore I can guess the plot, the story and the outcome..." Wrong!
Without giving too much away, Willis is a washed up, drunk cop assigned to take Def to a court appearance across town...what results isn't what you may think, although maybe you do...but that would you an un-surprisable bore...and chances are you don't read any one's blog but your own so...this one isn't for you.
Long story short...see 16 Blocks. It's one of my favorite movies of 2007 so far and anyone who reads Caveat Lector knows I have good taste in movies...and I'm modest.
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