Il se découvre. ..bringing révélation. ..and la ruine imminente

2007 saw the departure of friends and the return of loved ones, many more travels than in years before including trips to Missouri for my little sister Samantha's wedding and Florida to see my Grandmother Donna and my Aunt Cheryl.
Since the last holiday season, many cloaked enemies began worming their way into the minds of many, causing disruption and chaos with no real sign that anyone will wise up and see them for the brain-drain they are...and "oh well", because after all...karma works on it's own schedule, and paybacks are no longer my area.
I wish I could end this year saying I've found my way, that I've decided to go back to school and get my associates in art with an emphasis on journalism, I wish I was any closer to knowing when and if Orin Clay will get here, I wish I could say that I'm a more well-rounded man having reached 35, but the truth is...I've changed...a lot...and those closest to me have seen it...not because it's benefited them, but because they love me, they want what's best for me, and they see that the life-changes I've gone through haven't made me grow up yet, but they have started the process...and I'm starting to look forward actually living life.
See you in '08...
It comes to light...bringing revelation...and the impending doom
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