Here we are, at the last season of BSG. All questions are going to be answered, Earth will be found, and I'll be watching the re-runs for years and years to come. Never before has a show, much less a sci-fi show dealt so deeply with human struggle and complex emotions on the level that this show has. The realization as we near the end is that we've been given a chance to look at the social relevance of what Adama said

For the record, there is only one Starbuck, and her name is Katte Sackhoff.
I think it's fair to say that when all is said and done, BSG must go down as THE most relevant and well-executed television events in the history, not only of the genre, but very easily of the medium. Fasten your frackin' seat belts, it's time to find out who number 5 is...if they think we can take it. I have my guesses, and they are probably yours too if you've paid attention. Will we agree? Are we right? Will it shock us? Will it make us have a conniption? And, when they DO find Earth, will it be 1980?

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