Le Malaise d'Est

I've not written fiction in almost 10 years save for some very VERY short stories for personal amusement and depending on how well Barry turns out, I may pursue publication.
The characters life centers around a solemn and lonely existence that gives precedence to all sorts of antics by way of his day dreaming.
Barry's been influenced by my constant ingestion of H.P. Lovecraft, Arrested Development, Clive Barker, The Flavours Cornetto, French Cinema, Dr. Hunter S. Thompson and Dr. Who. So far it's been pretty interesting and a TON of fun.
I will put some samples up in the future, but for now Barry is still in his growth stages and since there is something of an auto-biographical nature to the character, the process is somewhat therapeutic. Wish me luck!
"hoc volo, sic iubeo, sit pro ratione voluntas"
- Decimus Iunius Iuvenalis (Juvenal)
The Unease of Being(((03))) (painting by Viktor Safonkin)
should be VERY enlightening!
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