Oh Lord, how they pray and pray for that happy day...for that HAAAPPPYYY DAAAYYY!!!
A very sad and very funny note at the same time...the series finale of Extras came out on December 16th of 2007 and I finally saw it last evening and can I say, very few shows, much less finale's could ever have been so perfect as this one. Guests that surprised and showed sides of
themselves you never really thought you'd see including a supremely funny as hell George Michael (yes, that one) and a typical yet SPOT-FUCKING-ON Gordan Ramsey...and we all know I dig the fuck out of Mr. Ramsey! Ricky Gervais is without question one the most under-rated, dry as fuck actors in my life time with a comic timing that precedes "perfect" and gets there seconds before most comedic actors have even heard what they are about to respond to...but it's not just that...he has heart, a sensibility and emotion that can hurt to watch and also teach all before the blink of an eye. BRILLIANT!!! I'm sad to see this series go, but you've gotta hand it to the Brits and the BBC, they leave you wanting more and don't run a series into the ground. Cheers to Ricky, Stephen Merchant and the cast and crew of Extras on 13 PERFECT episodes and I/we look forward to the next step in your careers.

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