La Fontaine

Written and directed by the genius Darren Aronofsky (π, Requiem for a Dream) and starring the beautiful Rachel Weisz and the, uh...something, Hugh Jackman (I'm actually starting to like him despite his efforts to get me to think otherwise), The Fountain is essentially 3 stories in one about the scientist, the conquistador and the traveler, all played by Jackman. Little can be said about this movie without giving a large chunk of mysticism about the plot away. Suffice it to say that it is epic in it's vision and glorious in its execution.

One has to wonder what the film would have been had it gone the original route and starred Brad Pitt (who dropped out, probably to pursue another gem like Meet Joe Black) and Cate Blanchett with a budget of 70 million. The studio of course dropped it when Pitt took off (thanks Brad) and was only resurrected after Aronofsky agreed to do it for half the budget. But, you wouldn't know it as he's done a brilliant job with the visuals and has in turn it appears relied more heavily on beautiful storytelling.
If you've not seen this movie, do it. As you get going though, don't get discouraged and a grown up and watch...everything is reveled to someone who watches instead of whines.
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