This weekend, other than hanging out with my cousin on Friday and with my girlfriend a bit on Saturday, I mainly did stuff around the house and as per Gypsy James, watched a LOT of television...HA! After all, it is what I do best.
So Friday Night got the next episode of
BSG's final season and I have to say...I'm bored shitless with this season. I was so looking forward to it, but none of the grit and energy of the previous seasons exists here. There's plenty of drama and set up, but it's basically like watching the same episode drag on for hours. Much like knowing that a relative is going to die, but inevitably, they take their time doing so, thus prolonging the agony all around. I know that's a bit harsh, but so it sitting through this season. What a shame.

I also caught up on a little regular TV I had recorded. Episodes of
The Big Bang Theory and
Rules of Engagement are not just place holders for
Two and a Half Men, these are funny, well-written, well-acted shows that mix potty-humor with wit and intelligence. Beware all you simple-minded, "I get frustrated when they talk about stuff that goes over my head" types. You may want to stick to your music channels and reality show fodder.

In the movie world, I finally got around to seeing
Transformers which I've been on the fence about seeing since Micheal Bay has an uncanny ability to suck. While the CG in this movie is utterly mind blowing, he didn't disappoint in the "I've got to make this as cheesy as I can and be sure to ruin whatever credibility the movie might have had by throwing in slack-jawed, period-specific, corn-ball jokes that are SURE to permanently tag me as a script moron forever" category. Realistically, I enjoyed myself, and Shia LeBeouf was good, of course John Turturro ruled, but everyone else was just sort of there, delivering idiotic one-liners and over-acting. The woman that played LeBeouf's mother had some great "air-head/slightly drunk" comedic timing, but other than that...the speaking roles were covered in pure syrup. Pass on this if you wanna keep brain-cells, but if you want to just sit back and let the fantasy take you, check it out. This movie would have been awesome had it been in Japanese... then I could have just watched with sub-titles, never knowing just how bad the dialog is...shame on you Michael Bay...when will you learn?

Up next, I finally caught
Spider-Man 3, (yes, I am a fucking sci-fi nerd of sorts, I wasn't ALWAYS 35 you know!) I'd also hesitated on this movie as I'd heard it stunk as well. And, while it wasn't as good as
Spider-Man 2 (The
Empire Strikes Back of the trilogy, of course) it had it's moments...as well as a WAY too drawn out story line and it's share of cheese. I have to admit, I liked it... Bruce Campbell stole the show though, and the only thing that out-shined him where the special effects, that to be honest at times looked like corners had to be cut. Sorry Sam, I'm still a fan though and am very much looking forward to what you'll be doing now that the trilogy is over. Please just don't go all "John Woo" on us...
I also picked up
The Darjeeling Limited but didn't get to it because I noticed
Pee-Wee's Big Adventure was coming on and I can NEVER resist that movie, especially at 5:15 in the morning, PLUS I'd really like to save an entire blog for a Wes Anderson movie...I'm sure you understand...
It Burned a Hole in My Retinas(((03)))
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