Le nouveau Joueur de Musique de Myspace (n'A pas Impressionné!!!)

First of all, the good news is that you can actually make playlists. That's it, that's the only fucking good news.
Now the bad news. This player is "Make sure it's as gay as it can be" baby blue and there is no way to change it...strike one. It's also GIGANTIC and there is no way to change that...stike two and, there is no way to revert back to the old way of doing things or to get rid of the player altogher, (a big problem with Myspace in fucking general) strike three assholes.
So, thank you very much Myspace and big company of small penis dumbfucks that bought Myspace. You've now created and forced us to use this bulky, gay-looking half-assed music player that clashes completely with any indiviual look and feel we users may have worked hard on to create in the place where we waste so much of our time.
Eat shit and die,
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