Juste parce qu'ils ne sont pas vos sensations ne signifient pas qu'ils n'a pas d'importance
Many will most often throw the biggest fit if they are called out on this issue for fear of being caught being the emotional infant they point their fingers at other people for being. This is all very sad.
When will the world wake up to thoughtfulness? When will we stop putting ourselves in the company of those who are emotionally draining us by accusations and blame placing for the very crimes of which they are guilty? When will we stop allowing such emotional abuse and start locking our doors, keeping the hatred out and the serenity in? It's agoraphobic, but it's necessary.
Pass judgment again, kick them while they are down, put yourself above all others and claim this to be the case with everyone else so you won't have to confront your own short-comings. This will lead to your having no one.
Just because they're not your feelings doesn't mean they don't matter
(((03))) (photo by planoscorpio)
Perhaps seeing their faults allow you to have more empathy towards others. A double edge sword, none the less.
Feelings always matter, regardless of who's they are or how they are delivered. As you mentioned, empathy does have its place.
~ Head up, Head up. ~
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