Why I'm REALLY starting to fucking HATE Halloween
2) If I don't want to dress up, I shouldn't be chastised for it.
3) Halloween (or any other holiday for that matter) at my work is presented for the most part by people who "think" things are neat and fun but that really alienate people and create tension. It's obvious that people anymore do not create environments for the majority but rather to try to garner praise for themselves because of their effort as opposed to the end result.
4) Halloween, perhaps more than any other holiday besides maybe New Years or St. Patrick's Day, brings out the fucking drunks. Dip-shits and soccer moms all becoming uninhibited because they wear a mask.
5) If I'm trying to ignore you, leave me THE FUCK alone!!! People often don't think this applies when it's a holiday.
6) I don't like most people, I don't want to pretend to welcome conversation by dressing up.
7) If I happen to be sitting at home on Halloween I probably don't have candy. I'm an agoraphobic. If someone I KNEW knocked on my door and I didn't know ahead of time they were coming, I wouldn't open it. Why on EARTH would I open it for strangers who want something from me?
8) Halloween isn't evil anymore. Even Rob Zombie's re-make of the movie name-sake, although great, wasn't what I would call "scary" and neither is your costume. So please...give it a rest.
Happy Halloween Charlie Brown, NOW FUCK OFF!!!
I couldn't agree more. It is "required" to dress in costume at my place of employment. I gave them the option of no costume or no work. I got to wear an orange tshirt. I got lots of shit, but a) i'm not that into looking like a moron and b) why the hell should i have to pay to come to work? thanks, but no.
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