Thursday, May 31, 2007
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Friday, May 25, 2007
Love Will Tear Us Apart (Again)

The film details the life of the troubled young musician, who forged a new kind of music out of the punk rock scene of 1970's Britain, and the band Joy Division, which he headed from 1977 to 1980. It also deals with his rocky marriage and extramarital affair, as well as his increasingly frequent seizures, which were thought to contribute to the circumstances that lead to his untimely suicide on the eve of Joy Division's first U.S. tour.
The title is a reference to one of Joy Division's more memorable songs, "She's Lost Control", which many feel Ian Curtis wrote as a reference to his own life.
The film premiered at the Cannes Film Festival, on 17 May 2007, where it was received well by the critics.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Monday, May 21, 2007
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Chalk that one up to bad judgement if you like (or...what the fuck?)

A bao a qu
Close your eyes, roll back your head...let it take you somewhere else. Of course it's BORIS! Watch the entire movie for maximum results. Or, you can stay in your ignorant and uninformed world. From Mabuta no ura.
(((03))) V.2
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
The deepest water ( shallow end here, you are in over your head)

...did you really think that you weren't? Did you have the illusion that this was all gonna work? That somehow one or both of you would start to see the other's side? Did you think you were good enough? That somehow you would fit in...that you could compete... or maybe have a place in her life? In her heart? Did you really think you were long term...that she saw herself with you in 5 years? Were you really under the impression that you'd grow old with her? Did you really convince yourself you'd be happy again?
Monday, May 14, 2007
Do you want to live forever? ( painting unscathed)

Thursday, May 10, 2007
I, Mouthbreather (or...a look into the psychology of mongoloid behavior)

A) Grew up with parents that didn't bother to teach manners, respect, common sense, cleanliness, decency or for that matter any application self-respect at all, yet in this day and age of mass-communication and the ease by which everyone complains of other people's actions, do nothing to curb their own incessant lack of acceptable social behavior.
B) Use excuses like..."I'm not from here" or indeed rely on others to vomit the phrase "give them a break...they're not from here".
C) Believe themselves to be above pitching in to do anything at all in a social situation (possible exceptions are if helping gets them noticed and therefore leads morons to think they are "nice"). This includes picking up after yourself, picking up what you may not have necessarily done yourself but in trying to help maintain order and cleanliness take 2 seconds out of your day. Cleaning a spill...(this includes water're the fucking idiot that cries the loudest when you lay your dipshit paperwork in a pool of your own mess near the coffee machine, then spout off about how no one cleans up).
These are but a few of the tid bits of CRAP that I put up with daily...and this is coming from an agoraphobic asshole who will barely step foot outside a few small areas of life...imagine my fucking complaint department if I had to endure the 'burbs.
Fuck off,
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
No you MAY NOT have a phone call (or...what the fuck is it with you people)

Monday, May 07, 2007
Destroy what you know about me ( to end it all by simply being)

Wednesday, May 02, 2007
World Coming Down (the rise and fall and fall even further)

Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Petrol Holocaust (or...just how far can you go on an empty tank and what dead thing will fuck with you?)
